Mindfulness Put Down Your Smartphone and Allow Yourself to Space Out We’ve seen hilarious videos and stories of the problems smartphone distraction can cause—I mean, hilarious for us, rather embarrassing for 11/24/2017
Educators Teen Depression is on the Rise: Are Smartphones to Blame? As technology keeps evolving, each generation of parents has had to deal with problems that their parents or grandparents could 11/19/2017
Mindfulness Reduce Your Digital Clutter, Reduce Your Anxiety Most people regularly (or at least semi-regularly) go through their stuff and declutter. We donate old clothes, we throw away 10/15/2017
Educators Technology Changes Us, And Generation Z Is Proof We all know that each generation has different experiences, they grow up in a different time, so it’s impossible not 10/08/2017
Communication How Be Happier & More Productive at Work with Simple Mindfulness Practices Work is a place that we can easily feel stressed and overwhelmed. Maybe you have multiple projects going at the 10/01/2017
Communication Track Your Screen Time with Moment How much time do you spend on your phone each day? I bet it’s probably more than you’d expect! According 07/30/2017
Mindfulness Relax Anytime, Anywhere with Buddhify Our smartphones are constantly dinging and ringing, alerting us of notifications all day long. And don’t get me started on 07/23/2017
Mindfulness Lucidity, Virtual Reality, and Buddhism Have you ever had a lucid dream? A dream where you were able to tell that it was a dream 07/16/2017
Technology Technology is Helping Close the Gap for Women Unfortunately, not the pay gap, although hopefully that will improve soon too! While some people choose to gift flowers, jewelry, 06/04/2017
Mindfulness New French Bill Proposes “Right To Disconnect” From After Work Hours: Will It Work? We’re living in an always on society. We’re always doing something, we’re always connected, we’re always right by our phones 05/21/2017