So many of us have trouble sleeping! Some struggle to fall asleep every night, while others only have occasional sleepless nights. Either way, at some point in time we’ve all experienced at least one night of constant tossing and turning, minds that just won’t stop running. We’ve all woken up exhausted because we just couldn’t get the good night’s sleep we needed!
So what do you do when you can’t sleep? Count sheep? Probably not. Many people will walk over to their medicine cabinet and grab that good ol’ bottle of sleeping pills. But there’s a better way to get the sleep you crave—a natural way. What is it?
Let Mindfulness & Meditation Help You Sleep
No, you don’t have to sit cross-legged in silence for a long period of time. There are a variety of ways to feel the effects of mindfulness and meditation without practicing the traditional idea of meditation. Try some of these things throughout the day, but when it comes to falling asleep, how does mindfulness and meditation help?
I recently came upon Mindfulness Meditations for the Troubled Sleeper, an eBook written by Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D. a leader in mindfulness psychology. In this book she teaches you quick techniques and exercises that you can use to help you sleep better at night. Learn to break free from the thoughts that keep you awake at night and quiet your mind.
Not only will these meditations help you to sleep better at night, but they can help change your mindset throughout the day as well. It will teach you the foundation of how to live in the here and now.
Download the eBook, then take that money that you would have spent on sleeping pills and buy yourself a nice new comfy pillow!