John de Graaf is a documentary filmmaker who has produced more than a dozen prime-time national PBS specials & the namesake of the John de Graaf Environmental Filmmaking Award presented each year at the Wild and Scenic Film Festival in California. He is the Executive Director of Take Back Your Time (, co-founder of The Happiness Initiative (, co-author of the books Affluenza & What’ the Economy for, Anyway? ( & has taught for the Evergreen State College, the University of Washington, & Boston University’s Center for Digital Imaging Arts. Concerning well-being, De Graaf has served as an advisor to the government of Bhutan as it development its Gross National Happiness project proposal for the United Nations & is also the Senior Well-Being Advisor for Earth Economics, a nonprofit ecosystem services organization. His work & speaking engagements involve the exploration of the intersection of happiness, work-life balance, consumerism, health & sustainability. John De Graaf’s latest project And Beauty For All ( aims to unite cities & rural areas, conservatives & liberals, to restore & preserve land.
Find more info on John de Graaf at
On each episode of the Technology For Mindfulness Podcast, Robert Plotkin, co-creator of the Hack Your Mind series at MIT, explores the intersection between the practice of mindfulness & the use of technology in the modern age.
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